عرض المشاركات من يناير, ٢٠٢٣


QANTAS   ˈkwɒntəs    abbreviation. Acronym for Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service…

Habergeon to HZ

habergeon   ˈhæbədʒən   noun  A sleeveless coat of chain mail armour. Etym: Middle English from …

Obeisance to Ozzie

Ozzie   Variation of Aussie.  ˈɒzi:  colloq.  See 'Aussie'   A noun and adjective for A…

Labor to Lyrebird

Labor   ˈleɪbə   noun, adjective The Australian Labor Party. Of or pertaining to the Austr…

Gabba to Gyver

gabardine   ˈgæbəˌdi:n, -ˈdi:n   noun A smooth durable twill-woven cloth especially of worsted o…

Nadir to Nympholept

notion  ˈnoʊʃən   noun A concept or idea; a conception; a vague view or understanding. An opini…

Jab to Juxtapose

jab   dʒæb   verb transitive  Colloq. a hypodermic injection, especially a vaccination. L…

Maat to Mythus

Maat   ma:t   noun Egyptian Mythology: The goddess of truth, justice, and cosmic order, daughter of…

Rabbi to Ryebuck

racism  ˈreɪsɪzəm  noun Also: racialism Orig: The theory that distinctive human characteristics…

Z ~ Za to Zygite

Zoo zu: noun    An establishment where unemployed animals live on welfare. To schoolch…

Yakka to YWCA

Yabby ˈjæbi: (also yabbie) noun etym: Wemba-wemba yabij Australian freshwater crayfish. …


Western Australia   abbrev. WA A state comprising the western third of Australia. In the opinion…

Vacillate to Vulgate

vacuum tube   ˈvækju:m tju:b   comb. noun A metal or glass envelope from which air is removed to…

TAB to Tzar

Toothpaste   noun A dentifrice generously dispensed in parliamentary and executive powder ro…

S ~ Saag to Syzygy

shark   ʃɑ:k   noun Large marine fish with streamlined body and prominent dorsal fin, a voracio…

P ~ Pabulum to Pzazz

Parliament ˈpɑ:ləm(ə)nt  noun The legislature of a country under the British system. A forum…

Fab to Fuzz

Factitious  fækˈtɪʃəs  adjective Specially contrived. Not genuine. cf fictitious  fɪkˈtɪʃəs  ad…

E ~ Earbash to E-zine

Ecce homo  'e-key'how-mow  noun A representation of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns…

D ~ Dabble to Dzongkha

Death   dɛθ  noun Cessation of life.  That defining life is an exercise in futility rebou…

B ~ Bastard to Bygone

Baagandji  ˈba:gʌndʒi:  noun Aboriginal people from the border region of New South Wales an…

Canberra to Cynic

Canberra ˈkænbərə, ˈkænbrə  noun  Etym: 'canberry' Capital of Australia (aka …

A ~ Aasvogel to Azymite

A, a eɪ  vowel and word The first letter of the modern English alphabet and of the ancient…

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